Ex Ophidia Press/Book Publishing Website

Ex Ophidia Press Website Homepage

Publisher, Jim Jones

wanted a bright, colorful moving website to sell and feature his author’s books and other activities, and especially to showcase Ex Ophidia Press’ Poetry Book Contest that attracts hundreds of poets across the United State each year. Jim also wanted the website to express its Pacific Northwest location and the press’ lighthearted sense of humor. This was accomplished by using candid photos of scenes around the Pacific Northwest and the Ex Ophidia staff and authors along with blocks of color, fade animation and a custom made animation of the press’ snake logo.

Jim also had an eye on selling or donating Ex Ophidia Press to continue its reach into the future, and needed a website that would be able to showcase the authors and their published books. Jim was able to do this in December 2023. Ex Ophidia Press’ new owners will be creating their own website that reflects more their geographic location and new staff. You can still visit a “Demo” of the old site.

Platform: Squarespace 7.1


  • Bright, colorful website with movement that reflects Pacific Northwest with a touch of lighthearted humor.

  • Robust Authors page that allows authors to showcase their work and activities.

  • Easy to update poetry book contest page that showcases previous winners, gives the rules of the contest and how to upload manuscripts.

  • Ecommerce book sales.

  • Custom animation.


Janet Roberts Art - Artist Gallery and Shopping Cart


Linera Lucas - Poet